British Columbia ADR Organizations & Providers

Here for your benefit are links to the preeminent ADR organizations, agencies and companies involved in mediation/arbitration within the Province of British Columbia. The Academy has worked cooperatively with various bodies to ensure that only the most experienced professionals are included in our member roster, all of whom are accredited by the appropriate Bar organizations.

Mediate BC
Mediate BC is a not-for-profit organization funded by the Government of BC and the Law Foundation that protects the public by managing the province's designated roster of mediators and med-arb practitioners. Mediate BC also educates the public by raising awareness of mediation and other dispute resolution processes. The organization provides the public with a roster of over 250 mediators in 3 different fields: Civil Mediators, Family Mediators and Child-Protection Mediators. (Note: If you're a member of the public searching for a local mediator to assist in a family dispute, this is the best resource for you, as CADN members only deal with civil litigation.) Each practitioner maintains annual professional development and liability insurance requirements and is subject to the Mediate BC Standards of Conduct and Complaints Process.

Arbitrators Association of British Columbia
Members of the AABC have a wide variety of backgrounds and extensive experience as consensual neutrals in the resolution of a wide array of disputes, particularly in the field of labour relations, along with disputes involving human rights, employment, property, contractual, environmental and First Nations matters. Membership in the association is limited to professional arbitrators and mediators who have met experience requirements, have demonstrated competence and acceptance in British Columbia. Visit AABC at

ADR Institute of BC
The BC Chapter of the ADR Institute of Canada, ADRIBC is a non-profit association for mediators and arbitrators. Its function is to provide the public with the means to resolve disputes of all kinds through mediation, arbitration and other voluntary methods, and to act as a national centre of information, education and research on dispute resolution.
ADRIBC seeks to assist the public in finding ADR professionals, providing an online directory of mediators and arbitrators with various levels of experience and qualifications - most neutrals listed are non-lawyers. ADRIO has certification procedures, C.Med and C.Arb, which ensures competency levels for accredited members. The Institute also provides a regulatory infrastructure that includes a Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct for Mediators that set high standards of practice, as well as providing a complaint and discipline process for any dissatisfied user of ADR services.

Cornish Margolis Boyd Mediation & Arbitration
One of Canada's most respected boutique ADR panels, principals Barb Cornish, Simon Margolis Q.C. and Hon. Mary Ellen Boyd have the combination of expertise, tenacity and intuition to help clients achieve confidential and cost-effective resolution of disputes. Their panel has increased to 7 experienced neutrals, among whom are some of British Columbia’s most sought-after mediators. Visit the firm's website at

Canada's Top-Rated Civil Mediators & Arbitrators
Need an experienced civil mediator or arbitrator from outside of British Columbia? Our national association, CADN, is pleased to recognize the most trusted civil/commercial neutrals around Canada, as rated by local litigators. Please feel free to visit our National Directory at